Yes Tasman Team Ep. 4
02 Aug, 2021
The 'TASMAN TEAM' Series celebrates the epic humans who make up the aus/nz YES. Team. If you are part of the YES. Team, then you are considered part of the YES. FAMILY. Everyone has their place. Everyone is different. And most importantly, Everyone is no one else than THEMSELVES - and that's how we like it.
Jesse Kennedy @jessekennedy_
Briony May Johnson @brionymayjohnson
Tom Pelley @tpelley
Mike Handford @mjhandford
Clint Allan @clintallan
Ryan Tiene @ryantiene
Allen Kirby @allenkirbyy
Jesse Kennedy is the newest member of our Aus/Nz YES. TASMAN TEAM, and it's hard not to be drawn to his Raw Energy. He lives life to the fullest, and isn't afraid to go after what he wants. His smooth style is a pleasure to watch, and you can ALWAYS rely on him to bring the good vibes - both on & off the hill. I look forward to seeing where he chooses to take his relationship with snowboarding - as in my opinion, Jesse is a True Snowboarder. Big Love Amigo.
(Amine Yasmine - SlidePath)